Thursday, May 31, 2012

President Yoweri Museveni invited to Eritrea after drafting UN Sanctions on the PFDJ Regime

Long time President of Eritrea, Isaias Afewerki, has invited Uganda's President, Yoweri Museveni, to Asmara Eritrea for talks.  According to the Eritrean Ministry of Information,, Museveni was scheduled to complete a three-day visit for discussions on bilateral and international issues.

One curious detail that was neglected by the MOI:  Uganda had actually drafted the UN Resolution 1907 that was used to sanction the belligerent Eritrean regime.  I wounder if that was in their "bilateral discussions."

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1907

"The Ugandan-drafted text bans weapons sales to and from Eritrea, while also imposing travel restrictions and asset freezes on the country's political and military leadership."

The Ugandan UN Representative shown on this video explaining the reasons for sanctioning Eritrea's government in December 2009 (fwd to 20 seconds):

Why would the Eritrean regime invite a country who mobilized against it in the International Community?

"Thanks for the sanctions brazer (brother)"

Another peculiar question, why is the regime and its supporters outwardly protesting against the sanctions, yet silent on those who drafted the sanctions?

Is the government of Isaias Afewerki playing the people of Eritrea as fools?  What type of backward diplomacy is this?

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